WHAT IS ZONK? Zonk makes psychedelic patterns to stare at when you're too zonked for anything else. It might also be used at raves etc. *** WARNING *** Photosensitive epileptics should not stare at flickering patterns. This may induce fits. The program author accepts no blame for damage to person or property whilst Zonk is running. ABOUT ZONK Zonk needs a minimum of 1 Megabyte of memory and a colour monitor. It should be compatible with any ST, Mega or even Falcon (hopefully). Zonk claims to be semi-intelligent. It can tell how much memory you've got and exploits it by grabbing screens. These are used as backgrounds and are shown in a fast slideshow. Over 110 screens can be stored in a 4 Megabyte STE. I wrote Zonk in STOS Basic with the Misty extension. It was compiled, fixed for TOS versions > 1.62 using STOSFX11 and packed with Firepack. This version (1.02) of Zonk can now save the grabbed screens as well as load and process any NEO or PI1 images (as Kozmic does). However, as Zonk can store say, 112 screens, display each of them in 28 palettes and overlay each with > 40 bitplane patterns this means: 112 x 28 x 40 variations. Press SPACE whilst the main two pattern routines are drawing, or during the fast slideshow to access menus for Screens, Saving, Loading and other options. * The PD version can only save one screen. * Alternate/Help is set to default to Epson hardcopy. * GEM accessories are ignored. It's best to boot cleanly to save space. ORDERING DETAILS To order the full version of Zonk, please send œ5 (five pounds) to: Dave Henniker 199 Bruntsfield Place Edinburgh EH10 4DQ Scotland UK If you don't live in the United Kingdom (Britain) then please send a postal/money order in UK pounds or a Girobank cheque or cash if you have to. Postage is more expensive overseas so an extra pound (œ1) would be appreciated. Please don't send cheques in foreign currency. My bank tried to charge me œ6 (six pounds) to pay a cheque for $10.00 (ten US dollars)...! If you live in the USA then please send an international money order or, if that's too much hassle then a $10 bill is OK.  Update 1 May 1993 Kozmic 4 is currently being programmed. It will incorporate Zonk's features and will have an entirely new Main Menu screen. It will have stereo sound and exploit graphic effects from The Missing Link.... It should be released in the summer of 1993.